From Redunicre to REDUNIQ: a review 6 months on
It all goes back to 17 April 1974, when the deed of incorporation was signed
It all goes back to 17 April 1974, when the deed of incorporation was signed
The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly changed our daily lives. Whether it's the classes that have left the school premises to
Regardless of the size of a company, good management of professional expenses, streamlining purchasing processes
Times change, desires change. In addition to the effects on public health, the new coronavirus has had
A mixture of challenge and courage, starting a business involves a generous dose of planning and understanding the market,
Although the overall turnover of Portuguese businesses has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels, the latest data revealed
Cashless: what is it? The answer contained in the most diverse dictionaries leads us to a single answer: an expression used
The trend that had been registered over the last few months has finally gained expression in the data relating to
"Sell by WhatsApp. Do you accept?" This is the challenge that REDUNIQ is posing to businesses by making it possible to
Two months after Turismo de Portugal launched the national "Clean Safe" label to distinguish companies