Lojas de informática: como cobrar parceladamente aos seus clientes?

Because of the prices involved in buying technological items, computer shops often find it difficult to sell higher-value products.

If this is your case, we'll help you increase the average ticket spent by each customer, as well as making life easier for your customers.

How? Through the payment instalments.

How can you charge your customers in instalments?

Paying for purchases in instalments has long been common practice in countries like Brazil or the USA.

Now, thanks to Parcela Já com UNICREThis type of payment solution guarantees that retailers get their money and that customers can buy what they need without having to go into debt.

So, with the solution Parcela Já com UNICREFrom now on, your computer shop will allow its customers to take away the computer or tablet they need, even if the price is higher than the initial purchase price.

For this to happen, you'll need to equip your business with the TPA Android REDUNIQ Smarta terminal contactless which will not only allow you to receive PIN or contactless payments via national and international cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and MB WAYYou can also take advantage of a range of management apps that will help your business to be more agile and profitable.

These applications include App Parcela Já which, simply, quickly and with additional commissions, only requires payment of the service fee, will enable you to offer your customers greater flexibility in paying for their purchases and guarantee an immediate financial return for your business.

How do instalment payments work?

With the REDUNIQ Smart physical TPA in his possession and the App Parcela Já con UNICRE installed, your customers will be able to pay for their purchases in between two and six interest-free instalments while your business will receive the full amount of the transaction.

Confused? Don't be, you just have to pay for it:

  1. enter the amount to be paid by the customer in the application Parcela Já com UNICRE;
  2. ask your customer to select the instalment option they want (between 2 and 6 monthly instalments);
  3. then ask the customer to select the "Insert ID card" option on the terminal;
  4. Once the customer has swiped their credit/debit card through the magnetic stripe reader, entered their mobile phone number and then entered the code they will receive by SMS, the purchase will be completed if the transaction is approved.

After keeping the receipt issued and signed by the customer, you will receive the value of the approved transactions (minus commissions) on a daily basis within 48 hours.

To make it easier for you to manage your payments in instalments, you can consult all the transactions Parcela Já com UNICRE in the REDUNIQ Customer Area.

Note: the first instalment is charged at the time of purchase, the minimum instalment is 20 euros (without interest) and only debit or credit cards can pay for purchases in instalments.

Benefits of instalment payments for your business

As well as guaranteeing that, even if the customer decides to pay in instalments, your business will never be left waiting for the money for the purchase, paying in instalments also gives you a number of other advantages. To wit:

  • Greater flexibility when paying for purchases, which in turn will lead to an increase in higher-value sales;
  • Simple contracting process, as the Parcela Já App is installed directly on the TPA;
  • No interest for the customer;
  • No default costs or charges.
  • Competitive advantage by offering your customers a flexible payment method.