Employer branding: what does it mean and what benefits does it bring to my teams?

O employer branding é benéfico para o meu negócio?

How many times have you heard of employer branding? This is one of the most current terms and one that has aroused the interest of many companies and entrepreneurs. Understand the true concept of "employer branding" and what benefits it can bring to your business.

Employer branding: what does it mean?

Simply put, employer branding is a strategy used to promote a company's image in order to attract and retain employees. It is, therefore, a strategy that aims to create and maintain a positive image of the organisation in the business world, aimed at professionals.

With the increasing difficulty in attracting and retaining talent, it is necessary to find the best practices for conveying a good image to the outside world and, at the same time, to the internal environment. Motivated and engaged employees are the best ambassadors for any company.

What are the benefits of employer branding?

By adopting employer branding strategies you will convey a positive image to the market and the brand created around your company will become popular, bringing a number of benefits to your company, including:

- Attracting talent

Many organisations invest heavily in recruitment and selection processes and, in many cases, these efforts end up not being enough because the candidate doesn't have the qualities they're looking for or they simply don't receive any applications.

Increasingly, professionals are looking for a career plan, a timetable that allows them to combine work and personal life, and a good working environment. Don't just offer a good salary, if you adopt strategies like these, listening to employees' needs and visions, you'll attract more candidates and qualified professionals to your company.

- Retaining talent

Retaining an employee can be as complex as attracting a new professional. By integrating employer branding into your strategy, you'll realise the importance of taking care of your employees from the outset, integrating them into the company culture, making them feel part of it, and you'll win them over. From here they will feel motivated, involved and confident, they will understand their importance to the company and, consequently, they will be more productive.

- Reputation

Companies with strong employer branding are more recognisable. They are the first companies that spring to mind when a professional is asked the name of the company they would like to work for one day. Employer branding helps to popularise a brand, making it more likely to receive spontaneous applications from highly qualified professionals who, because of what is passed on to the external environment, identify with the organisation, even if they don't know it internally.

- Good internal environment

By adopting employer branding strategies, employees will have a more positive attitude and their satisfaction will be higher, conveying this message to their colleagues and to the outside world and contributing hard to the growth of the business. They will thus "wear the jersey".