On the REDUNIQ Blog you'll find information and news on card payments, contactless, online payments and other topics to support your business.
Digital Transformation in Companies: how to implement innovative technologies?
After coal and steam started the first revolution at the end of the 18th century.
Unlucky, but not: Pay as you go with UNICRE at Oculista
Bad luck? Unlucky not to be able to count on Parcela Já com UNICRE! This is the motto of the campaign
How can you charge in instalments if you have a hairdresser?
Some people can't do without a routine weekly trip to the hairdresser, but end the month with a bill
The Fantastic World of The Value of Time Group
What brings together an award-winning film, Portuguese sardines and the innovative REDUNIQ Smart TPA? The answer is:
Crossmedia and Transmedia: what are they and how can they help your business communication?
Despite the fact that the quality of its products and the diversity of payment solutions it offers are important poles
Taxis: tips to improve your business
The passenger transport market is in full swing. After the entry of TVDEs into the market, the competition
Social networks