O que é o projeto Portugal 2030?

You only have to take a tour of the interior of the country to realise that inequality is a watermark of Portuguese territory, particularly when it comes to access to quality jobs and healthcare, investment in digital technologies or the provision of a transport network in line with the needs of local populations and businesses. These shortcomings may be about to be mitigated with Portugal 2030 (or PT 2030), a European funding programme that could prove to be of great importance for the country's less developed regions by aiming to financing projects of intervention in these territories.

Portugal 2030: what is it?

Portugal 2030 materialises the European authorities' intention to build more territorially cohesive communities by investing in projects that aim to act on six key vectors:

1 - Portugal + smart

Increased investment, among other areas, in research and innovation projects, digitalisation, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and the internationalisation of companies.

2 - Portugal + connected

Investment in the railway as a strategic transport network par excellence and the qualification of territories in order to guarantee their attractiveness and competitiveness in national and international markets.

3 -Portugal + close to citizens

It is committed to creating local development strategies that promote social cohesion and sustainable urban development.

4 -Portugal + green

Vector orientated towards strengthening investment in renewable energies, the circular economy and sustainable mobility.

5 -Portugal + social

Promoting the qualification of local populations, access to quality employment, equal access to health care and social inclusion and innovation.

6 - Portugal + just transition

Projects for the just transition to sustainable, carbon-neutral economic growth.

The objectives are huge, but so is the funding, as this aid from Europe has a total budget of around 23 billion euros. Priority will be given to projects aimed at Portugal's less developed regions, although they may cover the Lisbon and Porto areas.

It should be noted that Portugal 2030 is being implemented through 12 programmes: 

  • 4 of thematic scope:
    • People 2030 dedicated to demographics, qualifications and inclusion;
    • COMPETE 2030 dedicated to Innovation and digital transition;
    • The 2030 Sustainable Development Programme is dedicated to climate action and sustainability;
    • and Mar 2030;
  • 5 Regional, corresponding to the mainland's NUTS II and 2 referring to the autonomous regions: North 2030, Centre 2030, Lisbon 2030, Alentejo 2030 and Algarve 2030; Azores 2030 and Madeira 2030;
  • And PAT 2030 - the Technical Assistance Programme.

How to apply for Portugal 2030?

According to government information, the tenders for these projects will be organised in three quarters, between September 2023 and August 2024.

The Ministry of the Presidency, which oversees European funds, emphasises that the plans for the calls for tenders are particularly detailed

"in the first four months (the one following its approval), with information to characterise the plans of notices to be published, such as objectives, strategic, programmatic and regulatory framework, beneficiaries, eligible actions, associated amounts and territory covered."

It should be noted that the Annual Warning Plan is, according to the ministry,

"updated every four months, in April, August and December, with an updated version being published for the following 12 months."

If you have a project and would like to apply for support under this programme, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Fund Counter;
  2. Go to Applications > Open Notices;
  3. Consult the list of notices using the filters to find notices of support for projects like yours.