Prepare o seu negócio para vender na Black Friday e no Natal

This year, Black Friday and Christmas shopping will be when a man wants it to be. Excuse the popular adage, but for an atypical 2020, atypical shopping. Unlike in previous years, November and December, strong months for consumer spending due to Black Friday and Christmas, will be different for consumers and, above all, for traders.

On the latter's side, the big challenge will be to manage all the limitations arising from the pandemic and seize the opportunity to continue providing a complete shopping experience for their customers, whether in-store or online.

Between telephone orders and shop doorstep pick-ups, one of the big bets for retailers is to extend the promotion and exchange season in order to avoid crowds and long queues in physical shops. So there won't be just one Black Friday, but several over the course of almost two months.

While these measures promise to reduce the number of customers per square metre in shopping centres, the big highlight this season will be online sales (e-commerce).

According to forecasts, e-commerce is expected to increase by 400% during Black Friday and Christmas shopping, which will emphasise the ability of businesses to manage online payments.

Black Friday and Christmas: is your business ready to sell?

Come with us, we'll help you prepare your physical or online shop for a challenging shopping season, to say the least.

Physical shop

In addition to limiting the number of people in your shop and extending the promotional season, selling during Black Friday and Christmas will require you to pay special attention to the following payment solutions which you must make available to consumers. Limitations on entry are no use if the act of payment delays the flow of your customers.

Never before have contactless payments will be in evidence. For this reason, the existence of an automatic payment terminal (APT) with contactless technology in your establishment is essential because it will allow you to make faster, safer and more hygienic transactions than traditional payments.

REDUNIQ Smart - Android payment terminal

At a time when the concept of payment is being completely redefined, with the democratisation of the use of the contactless and the growth of digital transactions, REDUNIQ has just launched the new REDUNIQ Smart Android payment terminal.

O REDUNIQ Smart is prepared to accept payments by contactless card, chip, MB Way, Apple Pay or Google Pay and allows him, among other things, to succeed,

  • consult and manage stocks in real time
  • placing orders with your suppliers
  • manage your fleet using GPS
  • or even have access to your invoicing via apps that you can integrate into this terminal.

If you have more than one shop, you can access the entire group of shops.

Your customer might, for example,

  • consult the catalogue on the terminal
  • select the product you want
  • pay by card or smartphone
  • print or scan a QR Code ticket.

All this from a single Contactless POS.

Online shop

If you have an online shop, or if your physical shop also sells online, you already know that in addition to the challenge that is captivating/building customer loyalty and having a reliable logistics chain (suppliers, deliveries, etc.), the reduction of friction (number of customers who abandon the shopping basket before finalising the transaction) can be a lot of work if the online payment solution you choose isn't up to the job.

In anticipation of an unusually large influx of shoppers in this period of promotions and early Christmas shopping, plus the enormous competitiveness of the e-commerce market, the issue of payments takes on even greater importance.

With this in mind, REDUNIQ has developed simple and secure solutions for accepting online payments adapted to the specific needs of each business. They are REDUNIQ@Payments, Payment for Services e E-Commerce.

  • Selling without a website

Aimed at merchants who don't have an online shop, REDUNIQ@Payments allows you to remote card paymentsin a simple, practical and safe way.

Basically, your business joins the service (with no monthly fee, membership costs or minimum revenue) and has access to a Backoffice that allows you to issue payment links to your customers, which are then sent by email.

The customer receives the e-mail, clicks on the link and enters a secure payment page. Here, the customer enters their card details, which will be validated with the issuing bank and which they will never be able to access as a merchant. Once the transaction has been validated, payments are credited to your account within two working days of the purchase date.

  • Selling and receiving payments via social networks

This year, with those who sell through social media marketplaces in mind, the REDUNIQ@Payments solution has gained a new feature that allows your business to receive payments by WhatsApp or SMS with Visa and Mastercard.

  • MB reference: Portuguese people's favourite payment method for online purchases

80% of Portuguese shoppers prefer to pay for their online purchases by ATM reference. This is a trend that has remained constant over the last few years and will certainly not change for Black Friday and Christmas shopping.

In order to meet your customer's needs and put your online shop on the path of this trend, REDUNIQ has created the Payment for services by MB reference. This service allows your online shop to generate ATM references for online payment and can be integrated into the website.

If you don't have a website, you can use the Payment for Services solution to accept payments simply by accessing the REDUNIQ platform, without the need to integrate a website.

  • One-click shopping

So far we've been talking about smaller shops, but for those who work with large volumes of purchases and need to authorise payments directly on their site, the solution is to use the E-Commerce payments.

This "one-click shopping" module (your customers don't have to re-enter their card details with each new purchase) is integrated with the shopping cart and authorises online credit card payments (MB, Visa, Mastercard and American Express), MB Way online and by MB reference, directly on your website.