Quais os melhores softwares de gestão para a sua empresa?

Long gone are the days when thick tomes loaded with accounting data "decorated" the walls of company managers' offices.

Nowadays, thanks to technological developments, all it takes is a PC or even a tablet with specific software installed to make the whole management of a company not only simpler, but also enable faster, more assertive and more profitable strategic decisions.

What is business management software?

In practice, software is a set of programmes that guide a computer in performing a task. When this task involves managing a company, this software is labelled "business management software".

Among other things, this B2B software is designed to operate in line with most companies' administrative processes, allowing them to modify the basic variables to better suit the specifics of the business.

In addition to customisation, in operational terms this software centralises processes and makes analysing data in real time, allowing the development of reports with insights relevant, easier to read and with less margin for error.

Thus, with greater assertiveness and less margin for error, managers and HR teams will now have a tool that will make it easier for them to identifying consumption patterns and trends, the optimisation of tasks and more effective decision-making, which consequently leads to increased productivity.

What are the advantages of management and organisation software?

The main advantages of business software include:

  • Reduced operating costs

By automating processes and centralising data and its analysis, management software helps organisations to significantly reduce operating and administrative costs. 

For example, when using an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning), companies automate tasks that were previously carried out manually, which ends up reducing the time and costs involved in collecting, processing and digitising data, which will ultimately lead to an increase in productivity.

In addition, these systems offer easy-to-read metrics that allow organisations to identify, in real time, the operations in which they are being less efficient and to redefine deficient processes in order to make better use of them.

  • Greater strategic efficiency

With business management software, organisations now have real-time data on their operations, which will allow them to make more informed decisions with less margin for error.

  • Centralisation of processes and data

The coordination of people management or supplier and stock management is made easier with the inclusion of business software, as it can work with and operationalise a large amount of data simultaneously and draw more realistic conclusions that facilitate strategic decision-making.

  • Enable Scalability

By being able to adapt to the specific needs of companies, the best management software can accompany the business through all its stages of growth.

What is the best management software for companies?

Defining the "best management software" would be ungrateful and, above all, highly speculative, since everything will depend on the characteristics and objectives of the company that is going to use it.

Even so, there is management software that, once you've done the maths between what's owed and what's there, stands out from the rest:

  • TPA Android REDUNIQ Smart

It may seem strange to include a automatic payment terminal among the best management software for a company, but that's probably because you don't know about it yet. TPA Android REDUNIQ Smart.

As well as allowing your business to accept payments via PIN or Contactless with debit and credit cards (national and international), Google Pay, Apple Pay and MB WAY, it makes it possible to install management apps in line with the needs of the various types of business sector.

For example, with the inclusion of App Parcela Já con UNICREIn addition, retailers can offer their customers to pay for their purchases in up to six interest-free instalments.

If you use REDUNIQ Smart POS in cateringThis will allow you to install the following Apps:

    • ZS Rest
      • app that includes cloud invoicing software for greater security;
      • provides faster and more efficient service at the table, e.g. presenting the menu, registering orders, closing the account or making payment by printing the invoice with a QR code.
    • WinRest
      • app designed for organisational management adapted to tax laws;
      • allows you to, among other things purchases, invoicing, stockscurrent accounts and inventories.
  • SAP

Amongst other things, SAP operates in the areas of accounting, HR, stock management and sales. Because of its breadth, this ERP is used by companies of all sizes and sectors.

  • Microsoft Dynamics

More than just management software, Microsoft Dynamics is a network of business ERPs that can be easily integrated with, for example, Office 365. It has been designed to be user-friendly and operates in the areas of accounting and finance, project management, sales and marketing.

  • Factorial

Factorial management software is what we might call "all-in-one" HR software, as it handles all human resources-related processes, such as recruitment and selection, payroll and attendance control, in an automated and digital way.

In addition, this software produces detailed reports that help organisations and, more specifically, their HR departments to make informed decisions about the workforce.

  • NetSuite

Like previous ERPs, NetSuite is customisable according to the needs and size of each company and works in the areas of stock management, accounting and finance, email marketing and HR.

Interestingly, this business management software works in the cloud, which allows organisations to enjoy a marked reduction in operating costs. 

  • Oracle ERP

Scalable and customisable, Oracle ERP is excellent business management software in the fields of project management, HR and stock management, as well as accounting and finance.