5 razões para criar um departamento de marketing na sua empresa

Nowadays, it's not enough to have competitive prices, excellent products/services, accurate logistics and payment methods adjusted to the habits and needs of consumers to ensure the success of your company.

A creation of a marketing departmentAs a truly holistic management measure, it is indispensable for attracting and building customer loyaltyespecially in the social networksthe globalised market and mass communication.

Despite the importance of digital marketing strategiesHowever, corporate and promotional events, trade fairs and advertising campaigns in the media continue to be important channels for promoting the company and its products. However, all communication must be appropriate to the audience and platform for which it is intendedand in line with consumer expectations.

In this context, a Marketing department within a company becomes essential to effectively manage this integrated communication and ensure that all promotional actions are in line with the brand's overall strategy.

5 Reasons to create a Marketing department in your company

Among the many reasons and benefits you can reap from creating a Marketing department in your company, the main ones are:

1 - Gives you a competitive advantage over your competitors

To a greater or lesser extent, all companies today face fierce competition in their area of business.

Without a marketing strategy drawn up by competent professionals, your company will lose competitiveness in a market where your competitors already have a marketing department that allows them to innovate in their communication with consumers.

Therefore, to gain a competitive edge over your competitors, encourage the creation of a marketing strategy that always has the idea of novelty and adaptability to consumer desires at its core, whether this means creating a new website or sales page adapted for mobile devices, new customer service technology or including influencers in the promotion of a discount campaign.

2 - Helps you better define the products/services you offer, maximising sales

By using Big Data and analysing metrics, the Marketing department helps you, among other things, to overcome problems in defining the products to sell and segmenting them, choosing the most appropriate sales channels and defining the prices to be charged.

A marketing department also plays an important role in identifying future opportunities, discovering new market niches and finding potential new customers.

3 - Better understanding of your customers' habits and needs

With a marketing department equipped with the latest market analysis technologies, your company now has detailed reports detailing your customers' habits and needs.

For example, with the help of the knowledge solution REDUNIQ InsightsBy providing analytical information, it is possible to find out which payment methods most used by Portuguese consumers, as well as consumption behaviour. This data is extremely important to support businesses in making business development decisions and can thus reduce friction at the checkout and maximise sales value.

4 - Helps you develop more assertive business strategies

Like a "motorway" that enables you to get somewhere faster, a marketing department is the fastest way to build more assertive business strategies in line with current consumer trends.

5 - Standardises company communication

The work of a marketing department doesn't stop at presenting and moulding the best advertising campaigns for your company's new product or service.

In order to trigger the consumer's continued interest in your company, the Marketing department is an important player in standardising internal and external communication across all sectors of the organisation, especially the sales team, as it is the face of the business to potential customers.