5 tendências de E-Commerce: O Futuro das Vendas Online

According to ANACOM report "E-commerce in Portugal and the European Union in 2023"in 2023,

"44% of the population aged 16 to 74 made purchases online and 10% made sales online"

These percentages indicate sustained growth in both purchases and sales made online, which underlines the growing importance of e-commerce in Portugal.

A speed and convenience are two factors that most consumers point to for their preference for online shoppingBut they're not the only ones, since the innovation that goes hand in hand with online vending is the driving force behind more customer-friendly online selling platforms and, of course, business viability.

In this sense, one wonders how to sell online In order to attract more customers and gain a competitive edge over your competitors, take note of these five e-commerce trends for 2024 and beyond.

5 E-Commerce trends for 2024 and beyond

As with face-to-face sales, the most important thing for your e-commerce business is your customers, and that's where we start with these five e-commerce trends for the future.

Personalising the customer experience with AI support

Customer attraction, satisfaction and, consequently, loyalty will be enhanced thanks to the introduction of more intuitive interfaces and personalised service based on analysing data and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Through data analysis and AI, it will be possible to generate marketing campaigns that are more engaging and targeted to each customerThis will maximise the likelihood of them buying more often and with a higher average ticket (average amount spent on each purchase).

Greater security in online payments

The increase in online sales and digital transactions is forcing online businesses to bet on online payment methods not only safer, but also in line with customer habits and needs.

In this field of online payment securityThe role of the REDUNIQ@E-Commerce and the REDUNIQ@Payments, solutions that guarantee the security of all transactions by introducing double authentication and offer customers different ways to pay for their purchases.

In practice, while

  • REDUNIQ@E-commerce allows you to benefit from a payment solution on your website, with integration and no monthly fees or membership costs, which will allow your customers to make online payments with debit and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard). Receive payments from customers all over the world,
  • the turnkey REDUNIQ@Payments solution, aimed at those who sells online without a websitewill enable you to receive online payments by link, e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, Multibanco reference, MB WAY or Visa and Mastercard.


Despite being well known to online businesses, the omnichannel is increasingly the big trend in e-commerce businesses, as customers seem to prefer this type of service. integration between an offline and online shopping experience.

This approach gives consumers greater flexibility and convenience by enabling them to start a purchase on a digital platform and complete it in a physical shop, or vice versa.

What's more, the omnichannel strategy facilitates a more efficient customer serviceThis ensures that their needs are met consistently, regardless of the channel chosen. Companies that adopt this trend tend to retain more customers by providing a seamless, integrated shopping experience.

As a result, investment in technologies that support omnichannel is expected to continue to grow, reinforcing the importance of this trend in the future of e-commerce.


With consumers looking for more authentic and conscientious consumer experiences, one of the trends for the future of e-commerce is undoubtedly the inclusion of brands and products from environmentally friendly companieshave an important social action and are genuine.

This demand for authenticity is reflected in the preference for sustainable products made from ecological materials and for brands that are transparent in their practices. In addition, consumers value companies that demonstrate a commitment to social causes, whether through community action, fair trade practices or donations to charities.

This trend is pushing brands to adopt a more ethical stance and to clearly communicate their values and practices. In the future, it is hoped that companies that stand out for their authenticity will be able to create stronger and longer-lasting relationships with their customers, building loyalty through a more humane and responsible approach.


Sustentabilidade e E-commerce: como marcar a diferença da sua loja online - REDUNIQ


As is already the case with streaming platforms, the subscription model to be generalised to other e-commerce categories in order to offer consumers greater convenience and regular, uninterrupted access to their favourite products.

This model allows consumers to receive frequently used products, such as food, beauty products or toiletries, directly at home, on a monthly or as-needed basis. In addition to convenience, subscriptions can provide financial savings, with exclusive discounts and special offers for subscribers.

For companies, this model promotes recurring and predictable revenue and strengthens customer loyalty. Personalisation of subscription boxes is also on the rise, allowing consumers to receive products specifically selected according to their preferences or needs.

In the future, the subscription model is expected to become the norm in various industries, providing a more practical and personalised shopping experience.