Transformação Digital nas Empresas: como implementar tecnologias inovadoras?

After coal and steam started the first Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century, and the assembly line and the computer were responsible for the second and third industrial revolutions respectively, the time has come for companies to enter a fourth revolution driven by digital.

With the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence), the Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Big Data, companies will never be the same again, both in the way they operate and in their relationship with their customers.

However, in order for businesses to reap the benefits of these technologies, it is essential that they invest in Digital Transformation.

What is Digital Transformation in Business?

In practice, digital transformation in companies is the integration of digital technologies into all its internal structures and the cultural change of the organisation itselfThe entire relationship with and between workers, customers and suppliers is also included in this "Revolution 4.0".

How important is Digital Transformation?

Digitalisation is unstoppable around the world and is transforming not only the way people communicate and consume, but fundamentally the way organisations structure themselves to face fiercer competition.

Supply chains, production, distribution, customer relations, payment management and marketing are all areas that are, or should be, impacted by the digital transformation of business organisations so that the structure is not only as light and flexible as possible, but also so that the relationship with the customer is more productive and satisfactory.

The urgency of this transformation action, which has been more keenly felt since the pandemic accelerated the migration and implementation of digital technologies in companies, is revealed in the introduction, for example,

a) data analysis software to help design marketing campaigns targeted at certain types of customers

b) the offer of AI-powered chatbots that guarantee faster, more efficient and less costly service and problem-solving for companies.

One of the areas where this need to introduce digital transformation technologies is becoming more urgent is transactions.

In the face of the digitalisation of the economy, the increase in online shopping and consumers' preference for online payment methods, the contactless payment and digital, it has become practically mandatory for companies to include digital payments in the options they offer their customers in order to guarantee higher levels of invoicing.

In this particular case, REDUNIQ and its payment solutions secure and aligned with consumer needs, are enabling companies to make this digital transformation simply and inexpensively.

How to implement digital transformation technologies in companies?

In order to implement digital transformation technologies in your company, it's important to realise that this "Industrial Revolution 4.0" should involve three areas:

Transforming business processes

Changing workflows towards greater automation of processes that make the organisation lighter, more flexible, less prone to errors and interruptions and more adaptable to change.

In practice, this is achieved, for example, by implementing digitalised logistics chains managed from the Cloud.

Business model transformation

It's not enough to introduce technology for a company to carry out its digital transformation.

For this digital transformation to be effective, it is necessary to adapt the business model by implementing new operating guidelines that bring the company closer to its customers and to the dominant culture in consumer society.

This includes, for example, the adoption of omnichannel models in traditional retail that offer customers a digital shopping channel that interrelates with the face-to-face channel or the introduction of subscription-based business models similar to what happens in streaming.

Organisational and cultural transformation

For an organisation's digital transformation to work, everyone has to be rowing on the same side.

This means that a training plan should be drawn up for all the company's employees that focuses not only on the technical aspects, but also on the gains in terms of productivity, simplification of workflows and profitability.

Remember, a digital transformation that doesn't gain the support and understanding of employees could result in a loss of competitiveness.